Kit Greatest Magic Show - Magic Kit

Tags: kit, greatest, magic, show, special accessories

Kit Greatest Magic Show - Magic Kit

  • €95.92


    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 95
    • Marcas Di Fatta
    • Código de producto: DFKIT001
    • Puntos de fidelidad: 9
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible en 3 - 5 días

    Inside this elegant case, excellent for your close-up shows, there are 21 magic effects among the most beautiful and exclusive. Do not miss this. 
    • The case is made of aluminum and measure cm 52 (l) x 9 (h) x 34 (p) (in. 20 x 3,50 x 13,40).
    • Thanks to the internal covering, all your effects and accessories will remain in place, without leaving their space.
    Here are all the magic tricks that you will find inside the case:

    - Cups and balls

    - Claivoyance

    - Magic tube

    - Treasure box

    - Mystery ball

    - Magic capsule

    - Impossibile disappearances

    - Vanishing hanky

    - Neck Cracker

    - Incredible disappearances

    - The Ghost Light - Professional - 1 gimmick

    - Squashed

    - Miracle Dice

    - Coin nested box

    - Poker Transformation

    - Three card monte

    - Miracle cards

    - Svengali deck

    - Botania deck

    - The fabulous egg

    - Surprising girls