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The Postage Paid deck was originally inspired by a close-playing card collector friend named Joseph Pierson. Joseph has one of the most extensive and diverse playing card collections in the world. On Joseph's Instagram feed, he posted images of playing cards from the early 20th century that were written on and sent as postcards.
Using cast-off playing cards was a common occurrence before the post office made the minimum size of a parcel 4"x 6". This collection of playing card "postcards" sparked the idea in my brain as I wanted to see the rest of the cards in the incomplete deck Joseph had managed to piece together over the years.
The first version of the Postage Paid deck came out as a subscription deck back in 2020. This is the newest edition featuring a different colored back design, new fictitious addresses on each card submitted to us by customers, a new seal, and stamps.
Using cast-off playing cards was a common occurrence before the post office made the minimum size of a parcel 4"x 6". This collection of playing card "postcards" sparked the idea in my brain as I wanted to see the rest of the cards in the incomplete deck Joseph had managed to piece together over the years.
The first version of the Postage Paid deck came out as a subscription deck back in 2020. This is the newest edition featuring a different colored back design, new fictitious addresses on each card submitted to us by customers, a new seal, and stamps.