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Shin Lim
The Vault - Card Sleights by Shin Lim video DOWNLO...
Shin Lim's 'go to' routine with a deck of cards!Learn what Shin Lim does when somebody hands him a deck of playing cards and asks him to perform. Fast. Effective. Amazing card magic at its finest. Tau..
The Vault - Shape Shifter by Shin Lim and Riccardo...
The most magical coin and ring Spellbound you will ever do! The two items appear to transform into one another in a most visual manner, back and forth. Astounding to watch! Shin Lim flew all the way ..
Bound Control by Alex Loschilov video DOWNLOAD
"This shouldn't be possible. After watching this multiple times, I still have no idea how this works." - Orbit Brown "A beautiful, versatile, and deceiving technique." - John Gustafaro From the crea..
ShinSplint 2.0 by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
Four Aces turn face-down, one by one, each in a more stunning manner than the last; all done with just the fingertips. Stunning. Shin's favorite phase is when the third Queen appears as he turns the ..
Think by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
From the mind of Shin Lim comes an extremely clean and deceptive piece of mentalism. Effect: You present both a deck of cards and a prediction, both which YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH in the performance. As ..
Shinag by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
A simple, powerful, and impromptu way to reveal a selected signed card. Have you ever wanted the perfect ending to a sandwich routine, ACR, or four card production? THIS IS IT. ShiNAG is a co..
21 by Shin Lim, Donald Carlson & Jose Morales ...
21 is a video unlike any other. Produced by Shin Lim, this collaboration between Jose Morales, Donald Carlson, and Shin Lim features 21 fantastic effects and routines that can be done with no gim..
The Vault - Spell by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
The ultimate spelling effect - the spectator will remember that they did everything! You hand the deck to a spectator and instruct him or her to shuffle the deck and select any card. You instruct the..
Control Freak by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
Control Freak teaches two completely impromptu controls: 1 card control: An extremely clean and direct control. No funny movements, no misdirection. Your hands can be burned the entire time, and the ..
Flawless by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
FLAWLESS is an impromptu way to (actually) place a selected signed card into the centerof the pack, and with no apparent moves bring it back to the top. And since itinstantly resets, FLAWLESS is a per..
IV by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
IV is acollection of over 4 card productions, with 4 different variations from eachproduction. I: A onecard production done in the action of squaring up the deck. II: aproduction of 2 cards done wit..