Aim Switch by Hansu video DOWNLOAD

Tags: switch, hansu, video

Aim Switch by Hansu video DOWNLOAD

  • €12.90
    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 13
    • Código de producto: dvaimswitch
    • Puntos de fidelidad: 1
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible - enviado en un día

    Este peculiar y exclusivo video-entrenamiento sobre este efecto mágico específico es producido por una de las casas mágicas más prestigiosas y reconocidas del mundo. Se puede ver inmediatamente después del pago haciendo una descarga en su computadora.

    Hansu is a Korean magician who specializes in card tricks. He reveals his technique made five years ago. It is called Aim Switch.

    It can switch a card in the blink of an eye. This happens so fast that the audience will never notice it. This technique can be used in many ways, including force, change, and switch.

    Aim Switch will upgrade your magic such as oil & water or reset more visually. You can also make your own tricks with this technique.

    There is no limit! Imagination is up to you.

    The best part is no gimmick!

    Perform Aim Switch with any deck, even with a borrowed deck!

    Download now!