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Martin Adams Magic
Propless Mentalism (Vol 12) by Peter Turner eBook ...
This is the 12th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass. The master of Propless Mentalism, Peter Turner now offers a full series in this topic. The definition of Propless Mentalism is, at bes..
Observational Mentalism (Vol 10) by Peter Turner e...
This is the 10th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass. Join Peter Turner in an exploration of Observational Mentalism. If you like mentalism that is simple and uses less known psychological ..
Hypno Effects (Vol 11) by Peter Turner eBook DOWNL...
**This book teaches the illusion of hypnosis; you DON'T NEED to be a hypnotist to perform these mind-blowing effects.** Hypnosis is one of the purest and most realistic forms of mentalism; in essenc..
11 Volume Set of Peter Turner eBooks DOWNLOAD
This series of eleven eBooks from Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass is fascinating and will enlighten you on the topic of mentalism. Peter Turner's amazing thinking on an eclectic assortment of men..
4 Volume Set (Numbers, Psychological Forces, Chara...
This is a four volume set of Peter Turner's Mentalism Master Class. This set includes volumes 6, 7, 8, and 9. The 6th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass is about numbers. This is the..
Character Building and Storytelling (Vol 8) by Pet...
This is the 8th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Master Class and one of the most interesting. This volume is about character building and storytelling. From one of the world's top mentalist this is..
Star Sign Divination (Vol 9) by Peter Turner eBook...
This is Volume 9 of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass and this volume is about star sign divination. Peter Turner teaches you different methods to do the cleanest Star Sign Divination that you can..
Psychological Forces (Vol 7) by Peter Turner eBook...
The 7th Volume of Mentalism Masterclass is here! So far Vol 1. Psychological Card Forces was the most successful eBook of the series. Based on that Peter Turner decided to dedicate one more volume to ..
4 Volume Set of Reading, Billets, Dual Reality and...
In Volume 1 Peter Turner teaches you all the nuances of psychological forces and most importantly how to make it hit every time. This eBook does not just teach you a simple technique. In this 42 page..
Drawing Duplications (Vol 5) by Peter Turner eBook...
This is Volume 5 of Peter Turner's Mentalism Master Class. In this volume Peter talks about Drawing Duplications. You will learn many routines and methods with Peter's insanely clever thinking on th..
Child's Play by Chris Congreave eBook DOWNLOA...
Chris Congreave returns to his super commercial "Childsplay" plot with 4 different takes on the effect. Within this eBook you will find: There is a regular deck effect. 2 no deck variations (that si..
Jack by Rus Andrews eBook DOWNLOAD
Jack is a simple thought of card revelation that uses a borrowed shuffled deck. No setup 100% impromptu Any deck Within this eBook Rus explains a method to reveal a thought of card using any borrowe..