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Gags - Parlour
Super Flower Kit by Mago Flash
FLOWER KIT This is nothing more and nothing less than a very fun original floral magic routine. Everything begins with a comedy where the flower breaks and the flower is reborn in a surprising way. Ve..
Magic Sponge MR DONG by Murphy's Magic
Mr. Dong takes the classic sponge ball effect and adds a playful twist with an unexpected and humorous reveal. The routine builds up the suspense and surprise, making the final moment a... memorable ..
Insight by Chen Yang & TCC Magic
A Practical Tool That Combines Ancient Coin and Book Test.From the creative mind of Chen Yang, the magician behind The Mobius Rising Card, Card On Ceiling Wax, and the 2023 bestseller Grandma's Miracl..
Odyssey by Chris Philpott
"F#%&ing Brilliant!" - Banachek "Odyssey is an incredible tool that looks like the genuine article and is packed with countless possibilities. It went immediately into my show at Hidden Wonders!" ..
Num Rabbit Num by PlayTime Magic DEFMA
A little bunny magically changes into a cute, chubby rabbit after enjoying some carrots. Start the routine by showing a handkerchief with an image of a bunny. Announce that you're going to feed magica..
Rudolph and Friends By Gustavo Sereno and Gee Magi...
Welcome to the second book of the book series by Gee Magic. Rudoph and Friends uses a well-known principle that is used in an original and unique way making a very funny and interacting routine for C..
Time to Travel by Juan Pablo
Introducing Time to Travel by Juan Pablo, a unique travel experience where the spectator secretly and freely selects a country, an airline, and a seat number.Before the spectator reveals their choices..
Remote Perception System (Hardbound Book & Pro...
After a hugely successful launch at the 2019 Blackpool Magic Convention (including a number of requests to perform this on TV), we are very proud to announce the official release of the Remote Percept..
Colour Psychology by Adam Wilbur
Sold Out at Magic Live 2024! Alakazam Magic is thrilled to announce our recent acquisition of the complete and exclusive rights to Adam Wilber's phenomenal masterpiece, Colour Psychology. Since its i..
Strato Ball Vanish
The illusionist shows a tube on which three colored dots are depicted. He lifts the tube and inside there is another tube, transparent, which contains three balls of the same colors as the dots. The p..
Universal Monsters Collection (Hunchback of Notre ...
Features Multi-Book Flashback Super Flashback Reverse Book Test Tossed Out Book Pegasus Page Hunchback is part of the Universal Monsters Collection, which also features Frankenstein and The Hunchbac..
Universal Monsters Collection (Frankenstein) by Jo...
Features Multi-Book Flashback Super Flashback Reverse Book Test Tossed Out Book Pegasus Page Frankenstein is part of the Universal Monsters Collection, which also features Frankenstein and The Hunch..