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Amazo magic
Piano by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLOAD
In this video download, Amazo performs three different effects: The Rose in the Vase: After a flash of fire or after covering a vase with a fan or scarf, a rose appears inside. Infallible Flame: A can..
The Spell by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLO...
Here, Amazo presents two new effects: - Bosco Tribute: A lemon is sliced and some of its juice is squeezed into a glass. Nevertheless, it is then magically restored! Everything can be examined before ..
H2O by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video download
Here's one that crosses the line between illusion and reality. You see everything, so it must be real, right? Show an empty glass, and then fill it with water or other liquid. Place a large playing..
Mirage by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLOAD
A surprising production! This new technique enables you to produce a glass of liquid (which you can actually drink!), a small bird, a cell phone, balls, or many other small objects. Begin by openin..
Devil's Deck by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) vide...
This is a new method for performing the "Any Card at Any Number" (ACAAN) Prediction. The magician shows, one by one, that all the cards are different. The magician shuffles the deck, and then allows t..
No Exception by Sandro Loporcaro video DOWNLOAD
Here's a great mentalism effect that you can do! A mixed deck is shuffled and divided into three small packs. Three drinking glasses are shown, and a pack is placed into each of the three glasses. Wi..
Travel to Rome by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video D...
In this video, Amazo presents two new mind-reading effects. These can be performed in any situation, and they are easy to do! You use ordinary objects to achieve these miracles! Dream of Mentalist: T..
Cheating at the Table by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) ...
For the very first time, in this video, Amazo explains five new advanced techniques for Cheating at the Table. These are simply incredible, as there's no way anyone can see that anything sneaky is goi..
My Friend Lino by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video D...
When you produce something from nothing, audiences see this as real magic. Show a glass of water. Place a handkerchief over the glass and, after picking up the glass and removing the handkerchief, a g..
Magic Room by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNL...
Two different effects for children's magic, stage and parlor magic. Kaleidoscopic Tube: In this effect, two cardboard tubes are shown on all sides. After placing one tube inside the other, the magici..
Banzapirolazuum by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video ...
In this video download, Amazo presents two incredible mindreading effects: New Traveling Card: A card is signed and subsequently lost in the deck. The magician removes four cards and shows them to th..
The Escape by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) - Video DOW...
Amazo is back and here presents an illusion that can be shown everywhere and in all conditions. Four pieces of chain are shown and, with four real padlocks, the chains are fixed around the neck,..