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Magia con Monedas
Special Offers by Category
Chinese Coin Black (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
Chinese Coin Blue (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
Chinese Coin Yellow (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
Coin through Coin - Morgan Dollar
Pass a half dollar coin right through a dollar coin!You start with a dollar that has a slot cut into it. Can a half dollar pass right through the slot? That seems impossible!Yet, you simply place a ha..
The Wonder Wallet is handmade from high quality German plastic material, this guaranties the long durability of it.The performer takes out from his pocket a wallet which has a rectangle hole in the mi..
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein #...
More Double-Faced Coin Moves: The Two Coin Turnover (Rubinstein); The Two Coin Turnover Variation (Rubinstein).Han Ping Chien: The Classic Move; The Classic Move Variation (Rubinstein); Rubinstein Tos..
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein #...
More Vanishes: Multi Coin Vanish; The Drop Vanish; Giant Coin Vanish; Giant Coin Tenkai Vanish; The Variation Retention Pass; Retention Pass Variation #1; Retention Pass Variation #2; Ken Krenzel Rete..
Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights Michael Rubinstein #...
Concealments: Classic Palm; Finger Palm/Low Finger Palm/High Finger Palm; Thumb Palm; Angle Palm; Back Fingerclip Palm; The Front Fingerclip Palm; Fingertip Rest; Edge Grip; Goshman Pinch; Downs Palm...
Jumbo Walking Liberty Half Dollar (7.3cm)
The coin is 7.3 centimeters in diameter and made of aluminum alloy, a jumbo replia of Walking Liberty Half Dollar. You can end a coin trick by producing a jumbo coin as a surprise finale. Or pull..
Phantom of Chinese Coins (Stage) by Oliver Magic
We have been trying to figure out what size coins can be used for parlor magic. If the coin is too small, audience may not be able to see it, but if it is too large, it will be hard to hold and manipu..
Expanded Shell Chinese Palace Coin (Red, Morgan Si...
A high quality red Chinese Palace Coin Expanded Shell (head) with 100% coverage when nested.Many effects are possible with the use of this shell.Compatible with our Chinese Palace Coin (Red, Morgan Si..
Coin through Coin - Morgan Dollar
Pass a half dollar coin right through a dollar coin!You start with a dollar that has a slot cut into it. Can a half dollar pass right through the slot? That seems impossible!Yet, you simply place a ha..