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Special Offers by Category
Neo-Magnet - Disc 10 x 1.5 mm
After the great success of the previous formats, here are other sizes of our very powerful Neodymium Magnets! This particular magnet has a diameter of 1cm and is 1.5mm thick and can be perfectly hidde..
Standard Close-Up Pad 28x40cm (Black) by Murphy's ...
Murphy's Standard Line of Close-Up Pads (PIP ) are everything but standard. These pads contain a thick, dense, high quality inner-cushion, non-slip rubber back, and a high quality fabric top. By all m..
Huzzle Cast Planet - Level 4 Puzzle
Disassemble and assemble puzzle.A ball with rugged projections and a ring around it. This is a maze puzzle that is solved by rolling the sphere.Designed by Japanese designer Masui Ohno...
Huzzle Cast Tube - Difficoltà livello 5
Disassemble and assemble puzzle.Try as many methods to solve the puzzle as you can think of. If you do not attempt these different solutions, you may not be able to reach the excitement of solving it…..
Break away Wand (with extra piece & replacemen...
Disponible el 20 de febrero
This is a true piece of comedy magic! You hand a volunteer a solid magic wand.As soon as you turn your back the wand breaks into pieces. You take the wand back and "repair" it.As soon as you hand it b..
Chinese Coin Black (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
Chinese Coin Blue (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
Chinese Coin Yellow (half dollar size)
The use of Chinese looking coins in magic, has always captured the interest and fascinated audiences.It is possible to use these coins for many classic coin routines for example highlighting the magic..
NO BAG FORCE by Gonzalo Albiñana and Crazy Jokers
Imagine having all the advantages and possibilities of the change bags. Also, of the traditional forcing bags, only without having to use any bag, no clothing restrictions, no complicated mechanism.....
Super Foulard Blank Poker - 45cm
These real silks are very soft and thin, also the colors are so brilliant and vivid. Perfect for your silk routines.Size: 45cm*45cm..
Fanning and Manipulation Cards (Salmon) - Flesh ba...
Fanning and Manipulation Cards, made for magicians, are special manipulation cards and make the card production a sight to behold. 1. The deck is only 11 mm thick! This allows you to produce many m..
Pip Card Magnetic Jumbo by Uday
A 30,5 x 21 cm sized card. A pip on one side and 4 on the other . When turned, changes into 3 and 6 pips respectively. Finally they change into 2 and 8 pips...