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Now you can perform the perfect card prediction.
An envelope is placed down at the start. Then with no boring, drawn-out equivoque process, your spectator names a playing card and that card is the one in the envelope.
All the gimmicks you need are included and the video instructions will teach you a fully motivated script with versions for live performances, video and virtual shows.
It is simple to learn and easy to perform.
With PTSD you'll be OFF BY NONE!
An envelope is placed down at the start. Then with no boring, drawn-out equivoque process, your spectator names a playing card and that card is the one in the envelope.
- No wallets
- No switches
- No extra envelopes
- No fishing
- No thin cards
- No more fumbling with indexes
All the gimmicks you need are included and the video instructions will teach you a fully motivated script with versions for live performances, video and virtual shows.
It is simple to learn and easy to perform.
With PTSD you'll be OFF BY NONE!