C.T.C. 3.0 (Card Through Card) By Kenneth Costa video DOWNLOAD

Tags: card, through, card, kenneth, costa, video

C.T.C. 3.0 (Card Through Card) By Kenneth Costa video DOWNLOAD

  • €12.90
    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 13
    • Código de producto: dvctthree
    • Puntos de fidelidad: 1
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible - enviado en un día

    Este peculiar y exclusivo video-entrenamiento sobre este efecto mágico específico es producido por una de las casas mágicas más prestigiosas y reconocidas del mundo. Se puede ver inmediatamente después del pago haciendo una descarga en su computadora.

    The ultimate solid through solid effect!

    After C.T.C version 1.0 and 2.0 , now you can experience the new and improved C.T.C 3.0 version!

    A very visual and clean magic, your spectators will be really shocked. You can carry it in your pocket and do it anywhere and anytime.

    "That's a really good trick"
    - Rizki Nanda

    "What the hell dude! This looks very real and so beautiful. It will be my favorite magic that I carry in my pocket."
    - Esya Gumelar

    "It's very smooth and clean, you can see it really cuts through the card. It's very smart."
    - Alex Soza

    "Good job friend, very visual and amazing, and what a brilliant method."
    - Asmadi

    Quick and easy to build, the detailed video explains the construction and routines step by step.

    Additional ideas included at the end of the video.

    Download right now!