HANKY BUNNY by Luis Magic video DOWNLOAD

Tags: hanky, bunny, luis, magic, video

HANKY BUNNY by Luis Magic video DOWNLOAD

  • €14.90
    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 15
    • Código de producto: dvhankbunn
    • Puntos de fidelidad: 1
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible - enviado en un día

    Este peculiar y exclusivo video-entrenamiento sobre este efecto mágico específico es producido por una de las casas mágicas más prestigiosas y reconocidas del mundo. Se puede ver inmediatamente después del pago haciendo una descarga en su computadora.


    You'll entertain children (and adults, too ...) with its movements, its love for magic. You can imagine every child wanting a HANKY BUNNY photo!


    The bunny puppet is created using a napkin. He is blind, at the beginning but then you will give him eyes to see. You'll hypnotize him, you'll show him Your magic, he'll show you how to find a chosen card.

    He eats coins and produces a bill , and at the end he'll give everyone a souvenir.


    - HANKY BUNNY routine is particularly good in restaurant situations: You are with your friends whose children are annoying. Everybody knows you are a magician. Performing HANKY BUNNY stunts as an impromptu idea will delight them for at least 15 minutes!

    - The routine is easily performed stand up or stage situation + all the necessary props will take place in a pocket.

    - It has always been hard to keep these kind of "cloth puppets" in the right position on the hand, in HANKY BUNNY two mechanical and two magnetic "help" will keep it in perfect shape all the time you perform it!

    Download the video and learn now!