The Ultimate Linking Bands by Mystic Slybaba video DOWNLOAD

Tags: ultimate, linking, bands, mystic, slybaba, video

The Ultimate Linking Bands by Mystic Slybaba video DOWNLOAD

  • €12.90
    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 13
    • Código de producto: dvbanmystic
    • Puntos de fidelidad: 1
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible - enviado en un día

    Este peculiar y exclusivo video-entrenamiento sobre este efecto mágico específico es producido por una de las casas mágicas más prestigiosas y reconocidas del mundo. Se puede ver inmediatamente después del pago haciendo una descarga en su computadora.

    From the Mind of the Mystic Slybaba comes another evolution of a classic effect in magic.

    The Linking Bands have been a staple in every close up magicians' tool belt. Mystic Slybaba has revolutionized the original Linking Bands routine to end in a truly impossible object. The Bands ultimately link and become fused together, and are passed out as a gift to your participant.

    The Ultimate Linking Bands is a stand alone effect designed for gifting magic. When you want to do something powerful, but only have time for a single experience, and you want to leave them with something more than just a memory to walk away with.