Z Change by Zaw Shinn video DOWNLOAD

Tags: change, shinn, video

Z Change by Zaw Shinn video DOWNLOAD

  • €9.90
    • Precio en puntos de recompensa: 10
    • Código de producto: dvzchanger
    • Disponibilidad: Disponible - enviado en un día

    Este peculiar y exclusivo video-entrenamiento sobre este efecto mágico específico es producido por una de las casas mágicas más prestigiosas y reconocidas del mundo. Se puede ver inmediatamente después del pago haciendo una descarga en su computadora.

    Another visual piece by Zaw Shinn.

    The spectator chooses any card from the deck.

    The magician rips the corner of that card.

    One hand wave, and the corner changes color.

    The magician throws the corner on to the card, the card is restored and the whole card changes color.

    And that's not the end.

    The magician places the card on the deck and the entire deck changes color.

    Four effects in one trick. This is incredible...

    Additional supplies may need to be purchased in order to perform this effect.

    Download now!